
How to grow Horseradish from store-bought roots

Horseradish, with its pungent flavor and sinus-clearing kick, is a versatile and beloved addition to many culinary creations. While it’s readily available in grocery stores, there’s a unique joy in cultivating your horseradish from store-bought roots. Not only does it offer a sense of accomplishment, but it also ensures a fresh and organic supply for your culinary adventures. In this guide, we’ll explore the step-by-step process of growing horseradish from store-bought roots, turning your kitchen into a horseradish haven.

Selecting the Right Horseradish Roots:

Begin your horseradish-growing journey by choosing the right roots. Look for fresh, firm, and healthy horseradish roots in the produce section of your local grocery store or farmers’ market. Ensure that the roots are free from mold, soft spots, or any signs of decay. Freshness is key, as it directly influences the success of your horseradish venture.

Horseradish root

Preparing the Horseradish Roots:

Once you’ve acquired your horseradish roots, it’s time to prepare them for planting. Start by trimming off any leafy tops, leaving only the root. Cut the roots into sections, with each piece being around 6 inches in length. This will not only make them easier to handle but also create multiple planting opportunities from a single root.

Choosing the Right Location:

Horseradish is a hardy and resilient plant, but it thrives best in well-drained soil and plenty of sunlight. Choose a location in your garden that receives at least six hours of direct sunlight daily. The soil should be loose, well-draining, and slightly acidic to neutral in pH. Avoid waterlogged areas, as horseradish prefers slightly drier conditions.

Horseradish plant

Planting the Roots:

Planting horseradish is a straightforward process. Dig a trench that’s approximately 8 to 10 inches deep and place the root sections horizontally in the trench, spacing them about 18 inches apart. Cover the roots with soil, leaving only about 2 inches above the surface. Water the newly planted roots thoroughly.

Caring for Your Horseradish:

Horseradish is a low-maintenance plant, but a little care goes a long way in ensuring a bountiful harvest. Water the plants regularly, keeping the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Mulching around the plants can help retain moisture and suppress weeds. As horseradish grows vigorously, it’s advisable to keep it contained to prevent it from taking over your garden.

Harvesting Your Horseradish:

Patience is key when growing horseradish, as the best flavors develop over time. Allow your horseradish plants to grow for at least eight months before harvesting. The optimal time for harvesting is in late fall, after the first frost, when the plant’s energy has been directed to the roots.

To harvest, loosen the soil around the roots with a garden fork, being careful not to damage them. Lift the roots from the soil, and shake off the excess dirt. Trim the tops and sides of the roots, leaving only the main, thicker portion. This is the part that holds the characteristic pungent flavor.

Preserving Your Harvest:

Now that you have a fresh horseradish harvest, it’s time to put it to good use. Grating the root and combining it with vinegar and a pinch of salt will create a zesty homemade horseradish sauce. You can experiment with different ratios to achieve the flavor intensity you desire. Store your horseradish sauce in a sealed jar in the refrigerator, where it can last for several months.


Growing horseradish from store-bought roots is a rewarding and surprisingly simple endeavor. By following these steps, you can transform a humble grocery store purchase into a thriving and flavorful addition to your culinary repertoire. Embrace the process, savor the pungent rewards, and share your homegrown horseradish with friends and family – a testament to the joy of cultivating your own food.



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Hi, I am Dr. Aman Agarwal, a botanist from India. I love growing vegetables in my garden and sharing tips with others.
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